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The Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany in many ways. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the key terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany's army reduced to 100,000 men; Germany lost its U-Boat fleet & Germany shared the cost of reparations with France
Germany banned from having any Navy; Germany's army reduced to 500,000 men & Germany blamed for war on the Eastern Front
Germany forced to sign the 'War Guilt Clause'; Germany's Army reduced to 100,000 men & Germany forced to pay Reparations of 6.6 Billion Pounds
Germany lost a lot of territory & colonies in the Treaty of Versailles. Which of the following statements is the most accurate assessment of Germany's territorial losses?
Germany lost all overseas colonies, the Rhineland & East Prussia
Germany lost all overseas colonies, East Prussia & Bavaria
Germany lost all overseas colonies, Alsace-Lorraine, West Prussia & North Schleswig
The German Workers' Party (DAP) changed its name in 1920. What did it change its name to?
Grossdeutschland DAP
Weimar Germany, founded on the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles, suffered internal attacks from both Communist & Right-Wing groups. Which of the following pairs of groups were the most prominent in de-stabilising Weimar Germany?
Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), 1920 & Bayerische Volkspartei (BVP), 1923
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), 1920 & Zentrumspartei (The Centre Party), 1923
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), 1920 & Nazis (NSDAP), 1923
In January 1923, after Weimar Germany had seriously defaulted on its reparations, French & Belgian Armies occupied the Ruhr Valley to force Weimar to pay its reparations. In what way did the Weimar Government respond to this crisis?
They urged the population to co-operate while negotiating lower reparations repayments with the Allies
They urged the population to adopt 'passive resistance' including strikes and paid the workers on strike with printed money
They threatened to attack the French & Belgian forces
As hyperinflation gripped the Weimar economy, a rescue plan was forged between Germany & the Western Allies called the 'Dawes Plan'. What were the conditions of the Dawes Plan?
French & Belgian troops would leave the Ruhr; Reparations would be set at 1 Billion Marks a year for 5 years and the Reichsbank would be supervised by the Allies
French & Belgian troops would leave the Ruhr; Reparations would cease until 1929 & the Reichsbank would be closed
French & Belgian troops would leave the Ruhr once Weimar recommenced their reparations payments & the Reichsbank would sell all its assets
Gustav Streseman was crucial to the negotiation of the Dawes Plan in 1924. Which of the following statements most accurately describes Streseman's career in Weimar's Goverment between 1923 & 1929?
A moderate German Nationalist, Foreign Minister 1923 - 1929 who helped bring about the end of Reparations and Germany's entrance to the League of Nations in 1927
A German Nationalist, Foreign Minister 1923 - 1929, successfully negotiated both the Dawes & Young Plans, Signing the Locarno Pact in 1925 and guiding Germany's entrance to the League of Nations in 1926.
A German Nationalist & Monarchist, Foreign Minister 1923 - 1929, successfully negotiated both the Dawes & Young Plans, singing the Locarno Pact in 1925 and guiding Germany's entrance to the League of Nations in 1928
The Locarno Pact of 1925 was crucial to improving Weimar Germany's relations with other European countries. What was the main provision and weakness of the Locarno Pact?
It vowed that Germany would respect all of its borders and continue to make reparations repayments
it vowed that Germany, along with Britain, France, Belgium, Italy & the USSR would assist any country in Europe being attacked
it vowed that Germany would respect its western borders and not attempt to change them by force
The Young Plan of 1929 further helped to ease the immediate economic burden of Weimar's reparations. Which of the following statements accurately describes the terms of the Young Plan?
The Young Plan reduced further payments to 112 billion Gold Marks, and extended the period of repayments up to 1988
The Young Plan reduced further payments to 88 billion Gold Marks, and extended the period or repayments up until 2001
The Young Plan reduced further payments to 95 billion Gold Marks, and extended the period of repayments up until 1994
The Wall Street Crash severely affected all Western Nations, especially Weimar Germany as its prosperity was chiefly founded on US loans. Which of the following statistics accurately describes the worsening political & economic situation in Weimar between 1929 & 1933?
By 1933, unemployment had increased to 6 million & The Nazis had achieved 30% of Reichstag seats
By 1933, unemployment had increased to 4.5 million & The Nazis had achieved 35% of the Reichstag seats
By 1933, unemployment had increased to 5.2 million & The Nazis had achieved 32% of the Reichstag seats
By 1933, unemployment had increased to 6 million & The Nazis had achieved 37.5% of the Reichstag seats
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